
2 in 5 people started taking supplements due to Covid-19

As people are navigating this new normal, they are looking for ways to protect themselves by boosting their immunity. Our study indicates 80% of people are taking supplements during Covid-19, almost half of which have started taking them because of the pandemic.

Interestingly, we see that these folks are taking care of themselves more both physically and emotionally in other ways too. 

  • They are making the decision to take supplements based on a mix of encouragement from their loved ones (71%), online research (58%), and asking their doctor (58%)
  • They’re resting and sleeping more than non-supplement users (56% v 46%) and drinking more liquids (51% v 44%)
  • While they’re exercising more indoors (48% v 29%), they’re on par with others when it comes to exercising outside (28% v 26%)
  • And they’re connecting more frequently with loved ones over video chats (41% v 35%)

Now is a time when caring for oneself (and those literally nearest to us) are truly important to our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, all which need extra attention during this pandemic. We see people taking precautions to maintain their health, boost their immunity and prevent the spread of the coronavirus. As the country begins the process of reopening, we are encouraged by seeing continued care being taken by all and to hopefully re-enter a society being more safety conscious with our collective well-being in focus.”