
“Back to School” Season Is for Professionals Too

By Kimberly Orton, Managing Director

Most people have memories of a treasured back-to-school ritual, including the RedSky team. 

For instance, Patrick printed out his weekly schedule and attached it to his pencil case to ensure he would always be headed to the right class.  Hena used her pencil case for an ulterior motive — to smuggle cookies  (sneaking nibbles during class). Paige was so into glitter and sparkles that she dotted the ‘’i” in her signature with a bejeweled stone on all her assignments — for an entire year! (Takes making your schoolwork shine to another level, doesn’t it?) Laura loved school supply shopping, and to this day, she carries a special pencil case stuffed with phone cords, Chapstick, and various writing supplies.

 As we talked about these fun memories, we wondered what kids today would remember about the 2020 back-to-school season. Would supply shopping be as fun in the era of remote learning? We hope that learning new subjects, combined with changes in technological use, has given kids some level of excitement as the new year has taken off. Whether learning is remote, in-person, or a hybrid, it is worth celebrating the importance of acquiring new skills. 

But this doesn’t just apply to kids — professionals also need to remember the importance (and joy) of learning new things, wherever they’re working.

It goes without saying that 2020 has been hard, and any opportunity to find joy and ways to move forward are welcome. Whether you are working remotely or spending time in the office,  your team members need to continue to grow. (And be excited about it!) With more teams working remotely, continued education is a great way to keep teams motivated and engaged.  So let’s take a note from “back-to-school” season and use this Fall to keep growing our professional skills. 

At RedSky Strategy, we have key principles for engaging marketers and non-marketers into learning new or advanced skills. Our principles are tailored to the new normal to ensure active learning and engagement.  We make the learning FRESH.


Learning should be fun!  It keeps everyone focused and enthusiastic, especially in a virtual learning world.


In our teaching practices, teams are working on their actual business, making everything extremely relevant and focused.


When the content is compelling and meaningful, it is more likely that new skills will stick within a team. No more bland lectures or one-off presentations.  

Simple & Handson

You don’t need overly complex models to help you execute a job. Our training is hands-on, so teams can duplicate the new skills immediately.  

This FRESH learning approach mixes a perfect concoction of hearing theory, seeing illustrations, and interactive instruction. We combine this approach with world-class content and exceptional professionals to ensure your learning success. 

Equip your organization with newfound strength by taking your team “back to school” this fall.