
Moms Spending Less Time Watching TV & Movies in Recent Weeks of Pandemic

Moms Spending Less Time Watching TV & Movies in Recent Weeks of Pandemic 



During the first half of the pandemic, moms and dads were the most eager to purchase movies or new streaming services to entertain themselves and their kids.

In the second half of the pandemic, dads started watching slightly less content, but continued to watch a lot relative to the general population.

Moms on the other hand dropped off significantly. For example, 

    • 70% of moms said they were watching movies through a streaming service in the first half of the pandemic, but only 43% were doing so in the second half. 
    • Similarly, 44% of moms were watching movies on cable TV in the first half, but only 14% were doing so in the second.

Our interpretation? Moms are bearing the brunt of the housework and homeschooling while holding down their own jobs, see more on that in this New York Times piece. In the second half of the pandemic, moms became too busy with all of this to unwind with a movie, unlike dads who have continued watching nearly the same amount of content. 

However, there is good news for moms who have long been known for taking care of more things at home than well-intentioned dads might realize. Looks like instead of watching content, moms are now exercising inside more often and drinking a bit more to help them unwind. We hope #supermoms everywhere are finding moments for self care and relaxation!