
Brands Should Put Mothers in Leadership Positions

Even in our modern world, a large percentage of employers still discriminate against women (especially women with children). The typical assumption? Mothers are too busy with home life to be successful in the office. False! Recent studies have shown that having mothers in leadership positions not only benefits the team as a whole, but can also increase success and profitability. Plus, they’re also more productive.


In recent decades, workplace culture has perpetuated the idea that mothers don’t (or can’t) work as hard as their childless peers. Besides that, one study found that mothers were likely to be offered salaries at $11,000 less yearly than their qualified-but–child-free peers and $13,000 less than fathers. This is what has come to be known as the motherhood wage gap – a mere part of the “workplace penalty” that many mothers experience before and after the arrival of a new child. 


Rather than seeing a pregnant woman or new mother as a problem, businesses should recognize the advantages that mothers bring to the table. From increased empathy to better time management, moms are superheroes in the workplace and at home – and yes, she can manage both.


It’s time to shift this old culture and mindset. Rather than furthering the motherhood penalty, let’s illuminate the motherhood advantage: Being a mother is actually a help – not a hindrance – in the C-Suite. 


So, here are 8 reasons brands should have mothers in leadership positions.


1. Mothers are more empathetic.

Having someone there when all systems fail or deals go south – who is able to give perspective – is a must. Luckily, mothers deal with situations of extreme wins or losses every day (hello, toddlers). Thus, they are able to bring the team back together in a calm, centered manner. 


Whether it’s due to the crash course of raising a child, or by way of natural inclination, empathy is a skill that comes more easily to mothers. In the workplace, empathy is a huge plus not only because it boosts productivity, but also because it can improve cultural competence, and encourage better collaboration and teamwork.


2. HumanSight comes intuitively.


Generally speaking, mothers have a more holistic way of looking at the world.


After having a child, your perspective and perception may shift dramatically – and typically, for the better. When it comes to incorporating HumanSight into your brand’s core values and strategy, look no farther than mothers to guide you.


Moms have a unique way of bringing the human experience to life (quite literally). They can help both their peers and clients see the world through the lens of the customer, and better intuit their needs and desires.


Mothers are also masters at knowing how to resolve problems, acknowledging moments of joy and celebration. They know the key to eliminating (or at least minimizing) moments of frustration. In short, hiring a mother will help earn your target client’s trust, and build a deeper relationship with them. A trusting customer means a repeat customer… potentially bringing you others down the road.



3. Mothers are Masters of Time Management & Multi-Tasking


Simply through observing a mother juggle her personal life, child’s activities, food for the family, and so much more, we know that one thing is certain: Mothers are masters of time management and multitasking. In essence, motherhood forces the ruthless prioritization of every moment in every day – and this translates to the office as well. In fact, an Ernst and Young study found that women wasted only 11% of their time compared to 14.5% for the rest of the workforce. Like we said, they’re super humans!


Even after the past year, when moms have also had to take on the role of teacher, daycare, afternoon activity leader and tech support (the list goes on), they still know how to focus and get the job done.


4. Proven Success in Leadership Positions


Aside from being master negotiators (hello, negating tantrums), mothers are better managers and leaders overall. This is likely because they rely upon excellent communication, listening, and conflict resolving skills on a daily basis. Mothers also tend to perform better under pressure. Lucky for us, they bring this valuable skill set from home into the workforce. 


Sceptical? One study found that companies with more women leaders are actually more profitable. In fact, data from the Peterson Institute for International Economics only proves that point. Through analyzing results from 21,980 publicly traded companies in 91 countries across different industries, it was found that having at least 30% of women in leadership positions adds 6% to net profit margin. In short, women in the c-suite are associated with increased profitability.


5. Prioritization and Productivity are at the Forefront.


While household tasks should be more equally split between both parents, the current reality is that much of the home domain falls upon the mother. As a result, moms quickly have to learn important skills around prioritizing and productivity. Moms deserve their personal time even more than the rest of us!


Despite many responsibilities at home, mothers are more productive at work than their peers without children. This was confirmed by a recent study which found that over the course of a 30-year career, mothers outperformed women without children at every stage of the game.


Moms know how to work smarter, not harder. They can take in multiple streams of information and react to what’s most important. Because they’re constantly having to make rapid decisions, mothers have a razor-sharp ability to prioritize what needs to be addressed, versus what can wait.


6. Mothers are flexible (and you should be, too!)


Flexibility is key in today’s fast-paced world. Deadlines get pushed, a client holds on signing a contract, the typical office structure is thrown out the window for a year (if not more). 


Whatever the problem, maintaining discipline – while also acknowledging that the world is in constant flux and remaining flexible – is a skill essential to any company’s success.


As it turns out (to no great surprise!) moms are the quintessence of flexibility. Parenting in itself is a discipline that demands a little give-and-take. In essence, the ability to manage and lead other minds is valuable in personal and professional life.


7. Strengthen Team Dynamics for a Better Work Environment


You know what they say – every business is a relationship business. As the peacekeepers, negotiators, and empaths at home and in the workplace, moms are excellent at bringing people together. 


Beyond their unique skill set acquired in the home, hiring working mothers creates more diversity in your team. This in turn offers new perspectives, and further drives innovation and collaboration.


Men and women are both talented in positions of leadership, each offering a unique perspective and skillset. Having a balance of these talents and viewpoints is essential to strengthen team dynamics, improve decision making and make for an overall better work environment. 


8. Moms Excell at Creative Problem Solving


Both parents and start-up founders (no, we’re not saying they’re each other’s equals) can tell you that creative problem solving is an absolutely crucial skill. Strong companies are built upon the ability to identify problems and create solutions. Similarly, to be a great leader, one must also be a great problem solver. Moms happen to be experts in this field. 


Always prepared for a crisis, mothers know how to anticipate needs and find a solution that works to the benefit of all parties – no matter how challenging it may be. Moms are able to assess a situation, and recognize if something is out of their hands. This perspective gives the ability to identify whether a situation is worth pursuing or not – and the wisdom to know the difference.


Let’s face it – there’s a long way to go to close the gender gap (let alone eliminate the motherhood penalty) in the workforce.


Even as we emerge post-pandemic, the lines between home and career remain incredibly blurred. Parents (especially mothers) need more support than ever. A recent study shows that more than half of working parents are without childcare, and women reported they are twice as likely to leave their employer as opposed to their male partners.


Nevertheless, moms deserve equal opportunity at a position in leadership. Aside from the many reasons to hire a mother listed in this article, working moms are paving the way for true equality, and setting a powerful example for the next generation.


So, what can your business do to be proactive in the fight for mothers?


Cultivate a culture that helps mothers reintegrate into the workplace – especially into positions of leadership. Give mothers what they need to return to work with confidence and purpose. Foster an inclusive culture that doesn’t instill fear of returning after maternity leave just to find their position has been usurped by a non-childbearing counterpart.


Mothers are talented, gifted and highly qualified. Their skills at home are easily transferred to their professional lives, and more businesses should prioritize putting mom in the C-Suite – if that is what she desires.


The team at RedSky Strategy would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the mothers who raised us and continue to teach us daily. We couldn’t (quite literally) be here without you.


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