
Taking Care Of Your Most Important Assets — Now


By Kimberly Orton, Managing Director and Kevin Tromp, Board Advisor 

As we negotiate our way forward from pandemic paralysis through reality acceptance, tentative constructive engagement is essential to fully harness every asset at our disposal. While it is both smart and obvious to focus our efforts on customers, contact mechanisms, and adapted distribution methodologies, it is also essential that we do not neglect what has the clearest potential to be a secret weapon in our midst — your team.

The staff within your organization can either be an incredible source of competitive advantage right now, or a source of drag and dissonance as they struggle to align legacy commitments, operational methods, and objectives with the new reality they are forced to operate in.

It is reinvention and realignment time for the people within your organization. And it is essential that a clear set of refined objectives, values, and “reasons to believe” are communicated (and inculcated) with clear intent from an aligned leadership group.

Every one of us has been flung off-course by this tsunami of unforeseen destructive forces that have upended our work and home lives — and your staff are no different. They are working with a heightened sense of insecurity and worry, and they have a real need for concrete anchors — anchors that are clear, caring, trustworthy, and real-world, to orient them toward the goal of rebuilding the company, in order to provide the kind of security and growth that everyone needs. They may be working with a change in their home status; they may now have an unemployed spouse, with kids stuck at home needing home schooling and reassurance. An aligned team with a strong sense of support and an as-clear-as-possible view of the future is necessary, as much as a clear definition of the part they need to play. This is as important as satisfying customers. RedSky Strategy is working to provide organizations with multiple ways to support and provide concrete anchors.

At RedSky Strategy, we place the human experience at the center of everything we do to help marketers find factual foundation points amid the ambiguity — and to anchor the actions that need to be taken in the real world. We call this HumanSight, and we’ve developed a number of innovative and insightful tools that we overlay on the current market context. This allows for sophisticated analysis and the crafting of tailored go-to-market actions. However, information without action is just theory. Our practical approach ensures cost-effective and actionable information that helps the company to adapt to meet the dynamic customer and staff needs resulting from our extremely fluid landscape.

Our expertise and experience in staff development allows for remote learning and development. As the world moves from chaos to the new normal, there is a real need for the emergence of a learning culture within your organization. Teams will need to learn new skills and better ways to work at a distance, together. And as the leadership learns and ensures that new goals are aligned, we can work towards a re-envisioned company or brand purpose. As the world struggles to right itself, consumers are asking different questions of their loyal brands, and it may mean reassessing and taking stock of your brand or company’s purpose.

If this is resonating with you too, give us a call. We’d be happy to help your team develop the anchors needed in this time of great change.