
How TruthCasting Can Help You Future-Proof Your Brand

To stay relevant, it’s essential for brands to constantly innovate and evolve. Doing so requires considerable research and understanding where the category is headed. To develop successful products and services, it’s important to go beyond the surface level to ensure you’re shaping your brand in a future-focused direction. That’s where RedSky Strategy’s TruthCasting comes in.

TruthCasting helps marketers and innovation teams understand the most thoughtful, effective, and best-fitting opportunities within the trend landscape. We leverage data and HumanSight to:

  • Deliver highly actionable trend research
  • Build a comprehensive, out-of-the-box, creative approach to understanding the direction of the industry
  • Identify areas that are authentic to and focused on brands while encouraging growth

HumanSight, which is rooted in understanding consumers’ emotions, and TruthCasting build a  consumer-focused and highly resonant innovation process. With this approach, all deliverables are not only efficacy-focused, but they address the needs, wants, and emotions that will drive consumer interest.

By framing TruthCasting with respect to human nature, RedSky creates a durable process that builds upon the underlying consumer emotions and mindset behind a trend. This allows us to understand how the trend will evolve in the years to come, and how brands can leverage it for maximum benefit.

TruthCasting is ideal when you’re looking to revitalize or supercharge your innovation process. It can help you determine the strongest areas for your brand to dive into. Aside from throughout the innovation process, TruthCasting can inform brands of  the current landscape of a category, where your industry or sector is headed, and keep brands  aware  of  cutting-edge trends and products.

How the TruthCasting Process Works

We take a hybrid approach that draws from both forecasting and deep diving into what is driving current trends to custom-fit to your brand’s DNA. The process consists of four main elements:

  1. Scope. During the scope phase, we connect and determine parameters and interests for brands to explore, align on the audience, demographics, and client-specific wants, and identify subcategories of interests.
  2. Mapping. Next comes the research and analysis. During the information gathering and research process, we map out connections and significant themes, then build out trend implications and future-focused directions.
  3. Refine. At this stave, we workshop to review maps and identify the touchpoints of greatest interest and relevance.
  4. Follow up. Upon the finalization and compilation of all deliverables, we uncover opportunities to go into innovation as the next step.

Our TruthCasting approach is hyper-specific, hybrid, and holistic. Data-backed predictions paired with cutting-edge coverage and analysis of the trend landscape lets you go beyond the current season to build a solid foundation you can expand on.

If you want to future-proof your brand, we can help you build a super strong innovation process. We’ll draw from both forecasting and deep diving into what is driving current trends to custom-fit your brand’s DNA.

Are you interested in working with RedSky Strategy? We look forward to learning how we can use HumanSight and TruthCasting to help shape your brand into the future-forward direction.

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